
冰糖葫芦 2024-04-11 阅读:19 评论:0
Introduction The English Premier League is known for being one of the most competitive and lucrative football leagues i...


The English Premier League is known for being one of the most competitive and lucrative football leagues in the world. The league attracts some of the best players from around the globe, with top clubs often spending exorbitant sums of money to secure the services of top talents. One of the most intriguing aspects of English football is the wages paid to the players, with some earning astronomical sums compared to their counterparts in other leagues. In this article, we highlight the two highest-paid players in the Premier League, both from Manchester City, and how four Manchester United players have managed to sneak into the top ten.

De Bruyne and Haaland Top The List

Topping the list of the highest-paid Premier League players are Manchester City stalwart Kevin De Bruyne and rising superstar Erling Haaland. According to reports, both players earn an estimated £385,000 per week. De Bruyne has been instrumental in Manchester City's dominance over the league in recent years, winning four Premier League titles, while Haaland has been in scintillating form since his move to Borussia Dortmund, attracting the attention of Europe's top clubs.

Manchester United Players In The Top Ten

While Manchester City ranks highly in the list of highest-paid players, they are not the only club with players earning big bucks in the Premier League. Manchester United also features prominently in the list, with four players securing spots in the top ten. The highest-paid Manchester United player is midfielder Paul Pogba, who reportedly earns £290,000 per week. Pogba's future at the club has been a subject of speculation, with his contract set to expire at the end of the season.

Joining Pogba in the top ten list are Anthony Martial, David De Gea, and Bruno Fernandes. Martial, who has struggled to recapture his form from the 2019/20 season, reportedly earns £250,000 per week. De Gea, who has been a mainstay in the Manchester United lineup since his arrival in 2011, is believed to earn £200,000 per week, while Fernandes, who has been a revelation since his arrival at Old Trafford in January 2020, reportedly earns £180,000 per week.

The Debate Over High Wages In Football

The huge salaries earned by top Premier League players have sparked heated debates about whether they are justified. Many argue that football is a business, and players deserve to be compensated adequately for their services. Still, others argue that salaries have shifted the balance of power heavily in favor of clubs with the financial means to attract the best players, leading to an unequal distribution of talent across the league. Regardless of one's stance on the issue, it is clear that high wages are now a fact of life in modern football.


The Premier League continues to attract some of the best and most talented players from around the world, with top clubs spending millions of pounds each season on transfer fees and wages. Kevin De Bruyne and Erling Haaland currently lead the way in the highest-paid Premier League players, while four Manchester United players have managed to secure spots in the top ten. The debate over high wages in football is unlikely to end anytime soon, but it is clear that players' salaries will continue to be a hotly contested issue in the football world.


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